Friday, February 1, 2019

Some years I make goals and some years I don't. I have come to realize that, for me, I need to make goals. Some years it may be only one and other years it may be more. When I stop to set goals and think about what I want, I break out of auto-pilot and start living a life of conscious choices. Instead of letting others tell me what to do, I proactively take charge and think about what I want for myself.
I know that what gets measured, gets improved. If I don’t set specific targets and milestones, how are things going to improve? There is literally nothing to work toward, and even though I may be working hard, my hard work may not translate into anything. As the popular saying goes, “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” When I set goals, I am aiming for the moon. My goals propel me to take more action than I would have otherwise.
When I set goals, I think ahead, after which I can create my action plan. Even if things don’t go according to plan, that’s okay as I can review, adjust my plans, and then steer my life toward my vision.

Having goals makes me accountable. Rather than just talk, I am now obligated to act. This accountability is accountability to myself, not anyone else. No one knows the goals I you set (well, you will in a moment because I am about to spill the beans). People don’t stand to gain even if I achieve my goals. By setting specific targets, I can easily see if I am on track, and if not, what to do about them.

When I set goals, I connect yourself with my innermost desires. They help motivate me and give me something to strive for. This is especially powerful if I'm not in a good place in life at the moment — my goals help remind me of the things I love, to redirect my focus away from the negative obstacles, and to reconnect me with my innermost desires.

To quote Henry Ford, “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.” When I'm feeling negative and down, it’s often because I feel I have nothing worth looking forward to. My goals are the rainbow to strive for, to push me out of the storm.

Goals help me achieve my highest potential. Without goals, I default to a routine of activities that keep me feeling safe and comfy each day. But this familiarity is the nemesis of growth. It prevents me from growing. It denies me from tapping into my infinite potential.

By setting goals, I strive forward. These targets make me venture into new places and new situations that put me into growth mode. They make me stretch beyond my normal self and reach new heights. So, here are my 9 in 2019 –
  1. Chose, define, and live by a word for the year: Intentional
  2. Join a photo challenge
  3. Work on finishing unfinished projects
  4. Keep a journal
  5. Smartphone detox
  6. Lose __ pounds
  7. Schedule more ME time
  8. Create more experiences
  9. Decrease social media time and spend more time with people and doing other things

    Did you set any goals? If so, I'd love to hear about them.

Every January, it seems like everyone is buzzing about New Year’s resolutions. We hear about ambitious goals and “new year, new me” aspira...