Saturday, June 6, 2020

The BIG 6-0!

The coronavirus pandemic has caused many to cancel their birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, etc., as the world is increasingly being told to stay inside and maintain social distancing. People have gotten creative. Rather than letting the pandemic spoil their celebrations, many have come together (while keeping a safe social distance) to celebrate one another on special occasions. 

This certainly was not how I saw myself marking my birthday. I envisioned a BIG party followed by a year with ten incredibly fun things to add to the fifty I did for my 50th, but COVID-19 happened. In Oregon, as in other states, the fast-moving virus left ordinary Americans suddenly navigating self-quarantines, school closures, and a changed way of life. 

My 60th birthday actually turned out to be much more intimate than was planned. It started by having lunch with a friend on Wednesday, then on Friday, my actual birthday, I woke up to a HUGE surprise in my front yard and had one of my favorite desserts, strawberry shortcake, with another friend, and then had Mexican food dinner with a couple of dear friends. Saturday, I had a surprise visit by a friend, and I was able to spend the evening with my children and grandchildren, having dinner and an amazing custom birthday cake made by my daughter-in-law. It was a GREAT birthday!

During quarantine, I am learning a lot about what I value most. Because I am such a planner, I thought it was going to suck that my special day was not going to turn out the way I had planned for so long and that I could not see all my family and friends, but I still got to talk to them all and reflect on what I am thankful for. My quarantine birthday taught me to “roll with the punches.” You can always have fun no matter the situation — sometimes you just have to get a little creative. Somebody suggested since I cannot do the ten activities I had planned that I buy myself ten gifts. Hmm, I think that is pretty creative, I love that idea, and I am going to roll with those punches!

Happy 60th birthday to me!

Every January, it seems like everyone is buzzing about New Year’s resolutions. We hear about ambitious goals and “new year, new me” aspira...