When I decided some months ago that I wanted a piercing, there was only one thing I feared...the type of place you had to go to to have this done. I think we have all seen or heard about those salons/parlors that scare us, so I wanted to find the best possible place. After doing some research, I decided to go to a place called Addictions. Okay, I have to admit, I was a little apprehensive about going to a place called Addictions, but this year is about adventure and sometimes adventure means doing things that are a little uncomfortable.
My first adventure of the day was with my friend Melissa and her daughters, Megan and Jessica. Melissa, Megan, and I were having piercings, while Jessica was along to photograph the adventure for later documentation. My apprehension was soon put to rest as we were thoroughly briefed on the aftercare, procedure, and what we could expect. While everything was completely explained, and I felt comfortable, I decided that I would go first so I could not chicken out. I had my earlobes pierced twice when I was a teenager, but that was a LONG time ago, and I remember how much that hurt. I had always heard that the further up the ear you pierce, the more painful it was so I was expecting it to be quite painful. I have to admit, while it did hurt having the cartilage pierced, it did not hurt nearly as bad as I thought it would - at least then. The real pain came later that night when I went to bed. In preparation for sleeping, I did take some prescription pain medication. I prefer to sleep on my right side, but since it was the right side that I had pierced, I started the night by lying on my left side; however, multiple times throughout the night I found myself trying to roll over onto my right side and I was abruptly reminded not to do that as the pain was...I am at a loss for words to describe it...intense. Even with the aid of prescription pain medication, I did not get much sleep last night. I am certainly hoping tonight is better. We were told that it would take 6 to 12 months for total healing, and I am hoping that that does not mean 6 to 12 months of not being able to sleep on my right side because I am not sure I have enough drugs to last me that long.
Nice Blog. Sounds like a wonderful dinner.