Thursday, September 2, 2010

14. The Oregon State Fair, 8/31/10

Everything is bigger at the Fair. This is the biggest wiener I have ever had! I enjoyed a 16-inch, 1/2-lb, hand-dipped corndog and a strawberry lover's funnel cake.

The 2010 Oregon State Fair is too big to miss...because where else can you spend the day with wonderful FAMILY, great FOOD, and lots of FUN. I know for many of you, you cannot imagine how somebody can live in Oregon their entire life and not have gone to the Fair. I guess you do not know what you have missed if you have never done it. When my sister told me that we could/would probably spend the whole day there, I thought that meant we would be home by 5 or 6. I had no idea I would not get home until after 9 p.m. We were there for more than 8 hours. Just for the fun of it I decided that I would wear my pedometer, and I am so glad I did. Imagine my surprise when I got home that night and checked it to find that we had walked 8-1/2 miles or 19,722 steps. It is probably a good thing because hopefully it helped offset the 16-inch, 1/2 lb, hand-dipped corndog, the strawberry lover's funnel cake (can we say yummo!), some of the best ice cream I have ever had, and something I never thought I would try...deep-fried Twinkies and Oreos. We visited the animals, haggled with some of the vendors, were marveled by many of the exhibits, and even went back in time to see dinosaurs. We rode the Fairlift from one end of the fair and back again. It was so cool to ride above the crowds; to see the entirety of the Fair from such a vantage point was incredible. I was struck by the size of the Fair, the enormity of it.

One of the places we visited was the reptile house. Michelle and Gary wanted their picture done with the snake (yuck!) There is no way in the world you were going to get that snake around my neck, but I had to take a picture of Michelle and Gary, even if it did creep me out!!!

The Statesman Journal, the local Salem paper, has a contest during the Fair called "Click It." Each day you can enter one photo that you took from the Fair, and then the online readers vote each day on the entered photos. The following day, the photo with the most votes gets published in the newspaper. Then, when the Fair is over, the online voters once again get to vote on the winners from each day for the grand prize, an iPod Shuffle. The photo to the left is the photo that I entered and was published in the Statesman Journal on Friday, September 3, titled Three Little Pigs!

Sinful Treats...Can you Fight the Temptation? Apparently, I was not strong enough and I caved. I tried the deep-fried Twinkie.

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