Monday, September 27, 2010

18. Pigtucky Derby, 9/25/10

You my friends all laughed or thought I was joking when I talked about going to the pig races, but indeed that is exactly what Melissa and I did this past Saturday. We went to the Pigtucky Derby. This was French Prairie Gardens 12th annual Harvest Festival, also known as, Swines, Steins, and a Race to the Finish Line, but it was my first.

People will 'squeal' with delight watching the fast-paced pack of pigs race to the finish in hot pursuit of a cider donut (the prize for the winning pig). Melissa and I went out there bright and early on the first morning of the festival. It was supposed to be 80 degrees this day so we thought we would go early, get there before the crowds, and get some good pictures. We were told the first race was not until 11 o'clock so we decided to enjoy a cup of coffee and sit and visit for a bit. While we were sitting there visiting, we heard the pigs squealing but we did not think anything about it (it is a farm after all) and just kept visiting. We finally decided to walk outside and see all the happenings. We visited the barnyard animals, the 2-acre corn maze, and the 30-foot hayslide. As it approached 11 o'clock, we ventured over to where the pig races were to be held, but there was not much activity going on so we inquired as to what time the races were to begin. We were informed that 3 of the pigs had made a break for it earlier in the morning and the farmhands had to hunt them down. Apparently, that was all the squealing Melissa and I had heard and ignored. I hear that it was quite hilarious watching the hands chase the pigs, now that would have been a great picture op, boy I am sorry I missed that.

Finally, at 12 o'clock, the pigs were rested from their morning adventure and ready to race. We were first entertained by Farmer John and Farmer Eric with their silly jokes and quirky antics. Then, finally, the moment we had waited for, the Pigtucky Derby was about to begin. was hilarious watching the pigs. Heat #1 - The Yorkshire pigs had names like Kevin Bacon and Jennifer Lopigs. They came out racing and off they went. Heat #2 - The Duroc pigs had names like Shania Swine and Brad Pigsley, but they were not much into racing. They came out of the gate and just stopped. Farmer Eric had to 'motivate' them to race. Heat #3 - the ducks, Farmer Eric pretty much had to follow them around the track to keep them moving. Melissa and I had a wonderful time, worth every penny!

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