Saturday, January 2, 2016

Another Year Comes To An End...With A New Beginning

2015 was an exciting, busy, and challenging year for me. I took a two week vacation to Washington DC, Virginia, and North Carolina with family, I was blessed with another grandchild, a grandson, I barely survived a year of working swing shift, sadly I lost family members and friends to death this year, and I completed my two goals that I set for myself last year; my first 10K and The 365project (you can read about both of these goals a little further down on my blog). This year has left me...weary. I am praying 2016 will bring me further on my journey toward balance in my life.

As the year is ending, it is time to really stop and reflect on the past 12 months. Did I get everything done that I wanted? What am I grateful for in my life? What did I want to do, but really never did accomplish?

As I think about these questions, I also think about my goals for the new year. Am I going to call them my New Year’s Resolutions? Nope. See, to me it seems most people make New Year’s Resolutions at midnight on December 31, then probably go full force with them for say two weeks, and then they start to slip away from our minds.

I am reflecting on 2015 and seeing what I loved, liked and yes disliked throughout the year. I am seeing what I want now, which many call dreams, but I call them my goals!

A new year brings reflection and introspection, and as 2015 is now over and 2016 is in front of me, I have been doing a lot of that. Looking back over the year, deciding what went right and what went not so right, what habits to keep and what to discard, what I need to start fresh and what I need to renew. With each new year comes the litany of resolutions, often times with no plan to get there. “Lose weight”, “quit smoking”, “eat better” are typically among the top resolutions we hear. The downfall to these types of resolutions is that they are vague, and lack a game plan. I want my faith to be evident, I want to try new adventures, and I want to achieve greater strength/fitness. I want to push myself. So I sat down and thought about what challenges I want to accomplish this year. Here are my 16 goals for 2016.

  1. I will make and keep a Gratitude Jar – But having gratitude does not just happen! It is a practice we have to foster every day. You would not expect a flower to grow without water, and you would not expect your body to get healthier without nourishing it. So you cannot expect to feel like you have enough and you are enough, without nurturing a gratitude for the life God gave you and an appreciation of yourself.
  2. I will focus on my spiritual health by doing devotions daily – I want to grow my faith. I like you have a lot on my plate and any little bit can help.
  3. Pick and memorize a life verse – When I chose one, you will know what it is.
  4. I will spend more time off the couch than on the couch – There are many ways of achieving this goal. I want to get in better physical shape so that I can do more outdoors. I will continue to improve my fitness by getting back to walking at least two days a week as well as participate in two days of Refit a week and hiking when springtime comes.
  5. I will set up permanent residence in onederland – I cannot believe I just shared that one out loud on my blog, but there is accountability in that. I do not want to be losing this weight this same time next year. Well, that just got real, real quick.
  6. I will stretch 5 minutes after most walks – I am SO BAD about this now and I can feel it. My risk of injury is increased, and I know this! Somehow, I still cannot talk myself into stretching after I walk. Realistically, I will not stretch after every walk, but setting a goal to stretch after MOST walks feels productive AND attainable.
  7. I will participate in the 4T – Trains, trails, trams, and trolleys – oh my! The unique 4T trail is a self-guided urban nature tour that lets you explore the city — and see some of the best views — without a car. All it takes is about four hours, five dollars and a bit of leg power. The route is well marked with signs, and includes about 2.5 miles of walking.
  8. I will take my photography habit to the next level – This year I will start charging for my photography. Mind you, it will not be outrageous, but if I do not value my work, will anybody else?
  9. I will be doing a photography challenge – I have joined the 52 Week Challenge. Last year, I did the 365 and while this may seem easier, after reading the 'assignment sheets,' I will definitely be challenged.
  10. I will have a word a year, and my word for 2016 is – Truth. My next year will be based on honesty and genuineness. This word will guide me through the year of 2016! It will support me in my daily struggles and situations that may appear hopeless. This word will always show me - the silver lining so that I will not ever need to worry. It was chosen specifically for me (by Facebook) so I will embrace it!
  11. I will read a minimum of six books this year – As you all know, I am not much of a reader. A couple of years ago one of my goals was to read one book a month – I failed. I only read five, but at least it was five more than I read the year prior.
  12. I will finish unfinished projects – As a crafty person, I have started many projects and for various reasons, I did not complete them. This year, I will complete one project a month.
  13. I will write my story – Early in 2015, Pastor Jesse challenged the congregation to write their story, I never did it. This will be the year!
  14. I will do the 7-day smartphone detox – The average person uses their phone or tablet 158 minutes a day. This daily 2 hours and 38 minutes translates into 3.3 days a month, and 1.35 months a year. Can you go without checking your phone for 20 minutes? If the answer is no, you might want to consider a phone detox.
  15. I will practice having more balance in my life – Though weight loss is an important goal, I need to remember to focus on other things that I enjoy and try not to get too hung up on the number on the scale. I will spend more time working on my purpose here on earth.
  16. I will blog about each goal – Blogging helps me reflect and focus on the positive. I am not the most consistent blogger and I would like to fix that. I plan to blog as I complete each of these challenges, to keep myself accountable and to keep you all informed!
I accomplished many simple things I thought I would never do in life this past year. Like being more social – stepping out of my shell and going on a date, being more active – went hiking more, accomplished my first 10K, and did one picture a day for 365 days. Again, very simple. Simple to others but a leap for me. When you are an introvert, simple things seems impossible to get done, but with the right people by your side you can literally accomplish anything!

Spend 10 minutes this week and set some goals for yourself! It does not have to be 16, and it does not have to be outlandish. Let me know your number one fitness goal this year
If we live through all of 2016, we will each have 366 days (leap year) or 527,040 precious minutes, and each of us gets to choose whether we will waste them, or use them to make ourselves and the world we live in a better place. What is your choice?

Happy New Year’s my friends!

1 comment:

  1. I need to do better at a few things. I spend too much time looking at messages on my phone in the a.m. when I should be up and doing things in my house before I leave for work. Annoying! More knitting and reading are my other goals and continue working on photography. I charge people if they want photos as well. Have a blessed new year as well, Tina!


Every January, it seems like everyone is buzzing about New Year’s resolutions. We hear about ambitious goals and “new year, new me” aspira...