Friday, November 25, 2016

Taking My Photography To The Next Level

I will take my photography habit to the next level - This year I will start charging for my photography. I have come to realize that if I do not value my work, why would anybody else.

My first opportunity to achieve this goal game early in 2016 when I was approached about doing an engagement shoot. I even wrote up a was my only contract for the year. This was my first paid gig. It was SO hard to charge, but boy did it feel good to receive money to help fund my 'habit.' Here is just one of my favs.

While I have been the second shooter once before for a wedding, I had the chance again to do it, but this time I was paid for my services. What an honor to be asked to be the second shooter for a wedding. There are so many out there who would jump at that chance so I feel blessed that Sarah felt I was worthy enough to be her second shooter. I'd love to post more, but there just isn't enough room.
I also had the opportunity to give back with my photography as a piece of my work is blown up and hanging in the Depot at church. This is a train-themed room where parents drop off their kiddos for Sunday School. Last year I went hiking at the only railroad tracks in Oregon that are legal to hike. It is very humbling knowing that one of my photos, larger than life, is hanging on the wall at the church where I attend.

This summer, I was hired to shoot a combination anniversary/birthday party for a couple at the church I attend.  If you know me, you know I would much rather shoot landscapes, nature, etc., than people. People can be difficult; it can be a challenge to get everyone in the group to look at you, or to smile, or to be comfortable, etc.  Again, God is good though as he grows me, as well as my photography. It was an honor that the couple felt that my skills were what they wanted to document two large events in their life. Bartering my skills is just as good as money, and for this occasion, I received a weekend at the couple's beach house. I was able to take my family for a family beach weekend. I hope they enjoyed their pictures as much as I enjoyed their beach house.

I had another opportunity to develop my people photography skills even further when I was asked to volunteer my skills for the annual Woodburn Firehouse Cookoff and be the official photographer of record. I was apprehensive about doing this as this is a huge event in our community and I did not want to disappoint anyone; however, if I truly want to grow my skills, I am going to have to step out of my comfort zone. It was a very hot and exhausting day, but it was a lot of fun.

This goal was about taking my photography habit to the next level, and I think I achieved that. The last opportunity this year came in September when I was approached about doing a shoot for a preschool that was opening at the church where I attend. One of my photos was published in the local newspaper, The Woodburn Independent. What an honor that was. While I still prefer to shoot items in nature, I am every thankful for the opportunities to develop and improve my skills.

I had yet another opportunity to reach this goal a few months later when I was approached about selling five prints. Don't tell them, but I would have given them the prints for free. I did feel a sense of pressure though since she worked at the Tulip Farm, was moving out of state, and wanted prints as a reminder of her time there. No amount of money could have brought more satisfaction than knowing out of all the people and pictures they could have chosen, they chose mine.


  1. Its always good to look back and see that goals were accomplished. Good for you!!

  2. Your photography is lovely. Keep up the good work. Charging fees is good but I don't charge an outrageous amount. I do it outdoors. I love landscape photography as well. Also you should put name on all photos you put on the internet. Keeps them from being stolen. It happens. I kinda missed photographing the bbq cookoff this year but zoo trip was worth it. was hot! Have a good day!


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