Friday, January 1, 2021

My word of the year for 2021: Believe


Welcome 2021! What will you bring me, what will you do, what will I find, where will I go, what will I learn, where will I grow? So many questions and 365 days to find out. So many days and all so fast in each moment. I believe I am ready for you 2021.

Last year while I was spending time with the Lord, He put the word authentic on my mind. As I thought about it, I realized that the Lord continually asked me to pursue authenticity…in relationships, in circumstances, in my soul. While seeking authenticity is a life-long pursuit, I have found a really deep authenticity this past year in a lot of areas. Right now, my circumstances are not perfect, my relationships are imperfect and some are broken, my circumstances felt out of my  control, but my soul is working on being authentic with Him. He has taught me how to trust Him in and through it all.

So, I was thinking about what my word for this year should be. Thinking about the word isn't about trying to choose a word to define the year. It was more about seeking the Lord about what He is putting on my heart right now, so that I can be diligent to pursue him in the matter. I realized the Lord is putting the word believe on my heart. He has been asking me to have faith and to believe in His incredible, boundless power.

When I look at the year ahead, believing in myself is going to be my mood and attitude all year long.  Instead of self-doubt, I’m choosing to believe. I want to use my days and hours and minutes and seconds in a way that show that I believe that the Lord hears and answers prayers, and that He is the one who has the power to change. 2021. I’m ready!

I believe I will make steps if not strides towards my long term goals

I know I have “set goals” for so many years. I would like to say I now understand goals,how I have achieved or not achieved them, how to motivate myself and track my progress, but it is a process, one that takes baby steps.

For 2021, I believe I will move forward. I believe my goals get clearer every day, as well as how to achieve them.

I believe I will find joy in the small moments and peace amongst the rush of life

During 2020, if I learned anything, I learned a fulfilled life is about the small moments. I know I am far from perfection, but I no longer strive for perfection. Every year, I strive to make better choices and have less guilt.

Oh the endless guilt. It is a companion on a daily basis but its voice loses strength. Guilt is no longer there when I am enjoying time with family, it is no longer there when I enjoy a moment of crafting for myself, it is no longer there when I chose to go out for dinner with friends.

For 2021, I believe in my choices. I believe each moment will be the right one and each day will give me the opportunity to make renewed choices aligned with my values.

I believe I can make my own choices and I am not limited by fear

There are so many things I should do. As a good mother, as a good employee, as a good friend, as a good daughter, as a good sister, as a good person. The list goes on. Well, I need to ban the word should from my life. I can make my own choices with no fear of judgement. I know what I want to be, I know life is indeed made of hard choices and I want to be even better at the compromises that I achieve, but they will be my compromises and my choices.

For 2021, I believe in that I chose to no longer feel suffocated by any preconceived limitations. I believe I can operate with no fear of loss, I believe I can operate with no fear of failure.

I believe in me!

Yes. I do. It’s almost hard to write. 2020 showered me with moments of gratitude, gestures of appreciation, feelings of accomplishment. It was a challenging year.

For 2021, I believe in me, what I can and WILL do.

Do you have a word of the year?  If so, I would love to hear what it is and why you chose it?

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